FEB 7, 3:00 PM
Stay tuned for more updates
FEB 14, 10:00 AM
Don't forget to follow and like our Facebook page
MAR 22, 8:00 AM
Let us know if you would like a yard sign, we will be scheduling deliveries soon
MAR 25, 12:00 PM
Proud to announce our first official national endorsement by the amazing organization 3.14 Action
MAR 28, 12:00 PM
Received our second official national endorsement by the wonderful organization Run For Something
APR 24, 8:00 AM
Honored to be endorsed by the all-volunteer, non-profit MADVoters
MAY 27, 9:00 AM
Walked in the Waynedale parade
JUN 15, 2:00 PM
Hosted our Campaign Kick Off Event on June 15th from 2-4 pm at Country Heritage Winery
AUG 14, 6:30 PM
Met with residents of Precinct #486 and spoke about my platform
AUG 17, 10:30 AM
Spoke at the monthly ACDP meeting at the Allen County Public Library - Tecumseh Branch
SEP 6, 6:00 PM
Attended the annual Blue Bash at Promenade Park
SEP 9, 6:00 PM
Had a debate with Dr. Jon Brandenberger at the Voter Initiative Coalition for the 7th Biennial Meet-the-Candidates forum at the Allen County Public Library
FEB 7, 12:00 PM
Dr. Andrew Roberts, MD officially announces running for the position of Allen County Coroner
FEB 14, 10:00 AM
Early voting for the primary election begins Tuesday April 9th at the Rousseau Center
MAR 21, 6:30 PM
Attended the annual Obama dinner and got to meet many of the wonderful candidates running for office this election cycle
JULY 8, 1:00 PM
Speaking at the ACDP Luncheon club on July 24th
JULY 11, 2:00 PM
Join us July 25th at the Allen County Public Library from 6-8 pm for our Volapalooza event to find out how to get involved
SEP 25, 6:30 PM
The campaign will be attending and recognized at the speaking event for gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick at the Allen County Public Library
SEP 28, 10:00 AM
We will be at the annual YLNI Rock the Vote event downtown
OCT 3, 6:00 PM
Join us at the Allen County Public Library from 6-8 pm for our second Volapalooza event to find out how to get involved
OCT 21, 6:00 PM
Join me at the Meet the Candidates Night with SMART Local No. 20 located at 3019 Waynewood Drive
OCT 26, 10:00 AM
Instead of our normal monthly meeting join us on the Allen County Courthouse Lawn at 10 am to hear me and my fellow candidates speak and then vote early together